Jun 28, 2016
This week we bring in our friend Tony, from WCBJ RADIO the @ComicBookJones podcast, He's a big time fan of the Preacher books who's digging the show so far. Agent Palmer is back as well and we all had a bit of of a hoot. We hope you do too.
Also, while we still maintain that our show is for readers of at least book 1,...
Jun 21, 2016
Howdy Pilgrims! Welcome back!
Some say this week Preacher was slower - but we say it was just better! Jesse Custer and Odin Quinncannon! Tulip and Cassidy! Lacey and her demise! Wait… who's Lacey?
Follow us on twitter @PreachVsPreach
Jun 15, 2016
Hello pilgrims, here's our second attempt at recapping Preacher
Episode 3! Yup, Bill botched their first recording and the team had
to re-do the whole thing! At least it ended up shorter the second
time! What did we think of Jesse, Cassidy and Tulip this week?
Listen in!
Follow us on twitter: @PreachVsPreach
Jun 7, 2016
We invited Agent Palmer to help us breakdown episode 2 of PREACHER and we had a blast! Yes opinions vary on how we feel about the series but, overall, I think, we're liking it more? I'm not sure. Yes. Maybe.
Before we get into the recap there's some kerfluffle with Entertainment Weekly "Borrowing" our show name and we...